Friday 11 May 2012

The obsession with controlling speech is soaring to unbelievable heights

This article by Madison Ruppert in the Activist Post,  May 5, 2012
talks about controls the American Education System is imposing in regard to topics that will be eliminated from their schools.  They will be banned, and that will shape children's learning.

Such 'developments' usually find there way across the oceans to taint the thinking of 'Educationalists' worldwide. 

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Here are some different angles on Home-Education

"The Home Educators’ Network" is a well-established network of diverse home educators educating their children from home in Hamilton, New Zealand, and the surrounding area, the Waikato. 

and their blog

Another informative New Zealand site that offers support to families new to Home-schooling.
What Is Homeschooling?
"Homeschooling is taking care of your child's right to education, without enrolling them in a registered school."

What is Unschooling?
"Have you ever described 'red' to a person who is color blind? Sometimes, trying to define unschooling is like trying to define red. Ask thirty unschoolers to define their 'unschooling' style and you'll get thirty styles of unschooling.   They'll all unschooling, but they'll all be different...."

This family do fun activities - loads of great ideas - they use public school in NZ as well as being actively involved in the children's learning

"Exploring Homeschooling  is a national Christian ministry that introduces Believers to the blessings of private biblical homeschooling. We believe the Lord Jesus is restoring Christian families and saving the souls of children through biblical homeschooling.   
For decades now in the United States, homeschooling Christians have seen good fruit from their efforts.  "

Tuesday 1 May 2012

We are a Small part of a Big World-wide Community

As Parents who Educate their own Children, we are located all over the World and are living in many different situations.  And so as to recognise other mentor/pupil situations, I include the many people educating children that may not be their own children, at home or by correspondence.
I haven't set out to discover the number world-wide yet, there must be a huge number.

Yet, at times, we can feel isolated and frustrated with some of the difficulties we face.
It is heartening to know that many thousands of children have been raised without State-based schooling, and have enjoyed successes and much freedom to grow.
Networking online, learning about other families and social interaction is a big part of creating the learning environment for my family 

Some people mange to do elaborate and beautiful blogs about their Home Schooling life.  
 Here are some of the bloggers that have inspired me; (more to be added later)

I also have a collection of stories from families, that want to relay a bit about their children now that they have moved past school-age, and about the things they are doing since.  I need to check that I can include each one, so it may take a few weeks before they are here, please check back.

This can be helpful for people to see, because a questions that are often asked of those schooling-their-own, include; "what will your children do later?, "how will they get a job?, "what if they want go to university?"
It is wonderful to hear current stories about people who do go to University / are employed at work they enjoy / have creative and innovative lives - after home-schooled childhoods.
The people I know, that have grown with home-schooling, have had little trouble with the demands of work and study.  They have emotional maturity beyond their age peers as well as good understanding of their community.  

More on that later ...